Learn more about Gaeta and practice your Italian by watching the video of our last Italian Coffee Talk!

About Gaeta
Gaeta is an easy getaway from Rome to enjoy a couple of days on the beach.
Located between Rome and Naples and easy to reach by train from the capital, Gaeta is a pretty town with a historical center, a beautiful natural position, and a fantastic sandy beach with golden sand and clear blue waters.
The town has played a conspicuous part in military history, its fortifications date back to Roman times. It has several traces of the period, including the 1st-century BC mausoleum of the Roman general Lucius Munatius Plancus at the top of the Monte Orlando.
Gaeta's fortifications were extended and strengthened in the 15th century, especially throughout the history of the Kingdom of Naples (later the Two Sicilies). Present-day Gaeta is a fishing and oil seaport and a renowned tourist resort. NATO maintains a naval base of operations at Gaeta.
About Enrica
Enrica was born in Rome and raised in Gaeta, Italy.
She moved to the US at 23, where she lives with her husband and her 11-year-old son.
She works as a psychotherapist and speaks three languages.
Enrica loves to read, cook, travel, and spend time with her family and friends.
She also loves to go back to Italy as often as possible to visit family and recover. "It truly is Rest and Relaxation time for me, and it will always be my home! " Enrica said.
Stay in touch with Enrica: Enrica Malone, Marriage & Family Therapist, The Woodlands, TX, 77380 | Psychology Today
The Tour with Enrica
The visit started at one of the most famous tiella shops, Pizzeria del Porto di Carlo Avallone. There Enrica met Marco, Carlo's son, who showed us how they made the famous stuffed pizza, a must-try if you go to Gaeta (if you want to make tiella at home, try our recipe here).
Then we walked with Enrica in the medieval part of the city, where we saw the various churches (Gaeta has more than 100 of them!), the boardwalk, and the bastions.
We listened to a lot of new words during this coffee talk! Below we listed all of them and the English translation.
Do you want to practice with this video? Watch it again and try to catch the new words!
panetto: small portion of dough
ripieno: filling
polpo: octopus
scarola: escarole
alici: anchovies
cozze: mussels
calamaro/i: squid/s
cipolla/e: onion/onions
discesa: downhill/slope
salita: uphill
campanile: bell tower
patrono - santo protettore: patron saint
clima mite: mild weather
chiesa sconsacrata: desecrated church/former church
escursione termica: temperature range
penisola: peninsula
lungomare: seafront/boardwalk
salsedine: salt
carcere: prison
cunicoli: small tunnels
comune: city hall
bastioni: bastions
gaetani: name of the inhabitants of Gaeta
infrastrutture: infrastructures
complesso ospedaliero: hospital complex
pescatori: fishermen
limitrofo: adjacent/neighboring
entroterra: hinterland
sciopero: strike
pesce di allevamento: farmed fish
molo: pier
salamoia - pickle
infarinato - covered with flour
chilometro zero: farm-to-table