Meet the independent Italian author Irene Perali to discover more about her first novel, "Followives", now available on Amazon.
Have you ever left everything behind to follow a dream…which is not yours?
The novel "Followives" is all about this: five intertwined stories of wives following their husbands who moved from Italy to California to pursue unique career opportunities.
Join us to find out more about this contemporary immigration novel and what is behind the author's inspiration, Irene's experience as an immigrant in California, and her never-ending love for her home country, Italy.
The book presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with guests about the main themes of the book:
immigration and the challenges of moving to a new country, restarting a new life from scratch;
gender equality - why are women often asked to give up their careers to support their husbands' professional dreams?;
the California dream;
nostalgia for the home country.
During the event there will also be a raffle to win a paperback version and a digital version of the book.
The event IS FREE, but registration is required.(to take part in the raffle, register before 12PM of April 29th).
About Irene
Irene Perali is an Italian engineer who moved to California in 2015. Followives is her debut novel https://ireneperali.wixsite.com/website