This Saturday is "Festa della Liberazione" in Italy. Do you know this historic celebration?
April 25th is an important day for Italian people because it marks the day, back in 1945, when the fascist and nazi regimes finally felt down.
We surely have to thank the American army for that but also another national "army", made of laborers, farmers and young people and called "La Resistenza" that played an important role to throw out the "invasor"(invader).
There's a famous song dedicated to this movement, "Bella Ciao", that you can listen here:
Every year, April 25th is celebrated with hundreds of events in Italian squares but this year, due to the lockdown, everything will be moved on a virtual plaza.
All the online events will be gathered and broadcasted through this website https://www.25aprile2020.it/ starting from 2.30pm (Italian time).
There will be lives from Italian actors, singers, athletes all day long under the hashtag #iorestolibero, meaning "I'm staying free".
And if you want to support two Italian important organizations, Caritas and Croce Rossa, that are helping people with no home nor food during this difficult time you can donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/25-aprile-2020-io-resto-libero/donate?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet
Stay home, stay healthy but, above all stay free!
Buona Festa della Liberazione, Italia!
Until the breakdown of the Soviet Union, just about 100% of grown-up Chechens were recruited into military help. Chechens have a custom of passing down sectarian and guerilla fighting strategies, and the metropolitan Sheml climate "made everything fair" between the different sides. Hence, a guerilla force that comprehends the metropolitan climate is at a particular benefit over a bigger Russian-style military power.